Robots created my job

"So you are the one taking away all the jobs?!" is almost always the response I get at parties when I tell someone I install robots and camera based machines in factories for a living.
"But, the machines I install are doing jobs that humans can't do or are too dangerous for humans in the first place." -My standard reply which is usually good enough for most.
But my mind will spin for the next two days. I think about the fact that humans actually work at robot factories. They will never be replaced by robots. What about them?
Or the invention of virtual reality which is providing jobs for those who could not work before because they are non-mobile or recovering from a mental illness or PTSD or something like that. Robots may be better than us at doing things. Does that mean we should not pursue the use of them? Jackhammers made us better at drilling holes and put a man out of work at the mine--he was probably cool with that. Cars are better than running and I don't hear anyone complaining about them. Artificial intelligence is more accurate than doctors in diagnosing breast cancer from mammograms.
The jobs will continue, they will just be different. Some people will automate better than others and automation requires maintenance, lots of it. Automation works better in groups but there are individual tasks and types of people who can thrive. And the software is endless. There will be software engineering jobs for as long as you can string random words and symbols together.
There is art and usefulness in automation and there is something inside all of us yearning to find a better way to do something.


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